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Thanksgiving Dog Safety Tips

Thanksgiving is a time for friends, family and perhaps even traveling far and wide to visit family. It is also a time for pet parents to think about Thanksgiving safety for fur babies.

Reasons We Love Black Cats

Black cats are beautiful, mysterious and misunderstood by some potential pet parents. Black cats (and dogs) are also the last to be adopted or rescued. We want to share why we love black cats (all cats, really!) and why you should too!

5 Reasons To Love Senior Dogs

At Magoos Pet we LOVE all animals, but we do have a soft spot for senior dogs. November is Adopt a Senior Dog Month and we want to give you five reasons we love senior dogs and would love to know why you love your senior dog!

Six Tips For Healthier Pets

Our pets are our family and that's why we all do what we can to keep our fur babies happy and healthy! October is National Pet Wellness Month and we have six tips for happy, healthy pets!

Unique Ways To Celebrate Your Cats

Cats are quirky. Kittens are sometimes kooky, and always fun. Because September is Happy, Healthy Cat Month, let's talk about some fun ways to entertain -- and be entertained by -- your cat or kitten!

How To Ease Your Dog's Loneliness

If you've gone back to work or the children have gone back to school, your pup may be experiencing loneliness and separation anxiety. This could lead to him chewing your favorite shoes, barking all day or other destructive behaviors.

What You Need To Know About Bearded Dragons

"I just got a dragon!" Can you imagine wow-ing your friends with that statement? What you're talking about is a bearded dragon and they are certainly a fun reptile to bring into your home. They are interesting, intriguing and enjoy interacting with humans.

5 Ways To Have Fun With Your Cat

August 8 is International Cat Day and we have put together our top five ways to have fun with a cat or kitten in your life. Even though cat parents have fun with their felines daily, we just want to toss out a few fun ideas to consider!

Fish Are Great Stress Relievers

Let's face it: Life is sometimes stressful. It could be because you're still dealing with coronavirus pandemic issues, working from home with the children in the background or rushing through traffic to get to and from the office. Regardless of the reason, fish can help relieve stress and anxiety and it is as simple as sitting down in front of the tank and

5 Ways To Keep Wild Birds Happy This Summer

Summer has hit the country hard in many areas. The Pacific Northwest is seeing triple-digit temperatures -- those are usually seen in Arizona! Areas in the Northeast are even under heat advisory warnings. If you're a human with access to air conditioning, you can get through the heat and humidity, but what can you do to help wild birds?

4th Of July Pet Safety Tips

Pet parents know that the 4th of July might be a fun holiday and a time of family get-togethers and celebrations, but for our furry family members, it can be a day fraught with fear and tension. Also, a startling fact is that July 5 is one of the busiest days at shelters and rescues because dogs and cats who got scared and ran off into the night are surrendered there.

3 Reasons To Adopt A Rabbit

Rabbits are cuddly, cute, trainable and a great first pet for your child. Rabbits, like any other pet and depending on the age of your child will require adult supervision and also require a fair amount of responsibility that both the parent and the child need to commit to.

5 Ways To Protect Your Dog This Summer

Summer is here and it seems like it has been a long time coming, right? Your dogs may love it, but you need to ensure they are safe when they spend time in the sun. We have tips to keep your dogs safe this summer!

Why You Should Adopt A Tabby Cat

April 30 is National Adopt A Tabby Cat Day and we have put together a list of seven reasons you should adopt a tabby cat (but you don't have to wait until April 30!)

Adopt A Shelter Pet Day

April 30 is National Adopt A Pet Day! We have heard that many shelters have no pets available for adoption and that really warms our hearts! We love knowing that even though the coronavirus pandemic was difficult and challenging, pets found homes and were not in shelters!

7 Ways To Get Birds To Your Yard

Once you see birds at the feeder you certainly want to be a hospitable host to them, right? Of course you do! If you keep their feeders full of delicious seeds and treats, your home will be the go-to location in your neighborhood! The type of food you fill the feeders with will help lure more and different birds to your house and their bright colors and antics will keep

Can Dogs Catch Colds

Just like humans, when outside temperatures lower, and bacteria begin circulating throughout the air, dogs are susceptible to numerous types of illnesses. The most common one, which can be likened to the human version of the “common cold,” is referred to as Bordetella Bronchiseptica – or in simpler terms, the “kennel cough.”

Best Birds For First Time Bird Owners

Are you living somewhere that won't let you have a dog or a cat? Can you have a bird (or a fish or a reptile)? If you can have a bird, we have put together a list of the best birds to have as a pet for the first time bird owner. Birds are social creatures and you may want to get more than one -- ask a trusted breeder for advice on that.

Four Ways To Entertain Your Dog Indoors

When winter is at its coldest you may not be motivated to go outdoors, but you can still entertain your dog and help her work off some energy (and stay in shape!) this winter. It's possible to have fun no matter what the weather and we have put together some tips for you and your pup!

Three Ways To Care For Wild Birds

In the winter months, especially if you live in a snowy part of the country, seeing a bright flash of color can brighten your day! When you attract birds to your backyard and feed them throughout the winter, seeing a cardinal or chickadee on the feeder or enjoying some suet is a

Why You Should Train Your Dog

Did you know that dogs and puppies benefit from being trained? They do! The reason a dog or puppy loves to be trained is that they get to spend time with you and they also love to please their pet parents. Consider, too that a well-trained dog is a dog who will be happy with your family, won't chew your shoes and will likely be a welcome guest when you travel!

Why A Betta Fish Is A Great Pandemic Pet

The coronavirus pandemic continues to keep families and friends isolated and many people are turning to pets for companionship. Depending on where you live, a pet may not be allowed. You may not have time or the resources for a furry or feathered friend, but have you ever considered a finned companion?

Are Hamsters Good Pets

Have your children been asking for a pet? Have you ever wondered if a hamster is a good first pet? We have pulled together some information to help you make that determination because hamsters are one of the most popular pets for children.

How To Celebrate Your Senior Dog

If you have ever shared your life with a senior dog, you know just how amazing and loving they are, right? November is a celebration of senior dogs and we LOVE it!

3 Ways To Celebrate Pet Wellness Month

October is Pet Wellness Month! As responsible pet parents we know it's important to keep our pets well and healthy year-round but we do love a time to pay a bit more attention to our dogs, right?!

How To Celebrate Happy Cat Month

Happy Healthy Cat Month is underway and we know that our feline furry family members are regal, sometimes aloof, loving, sophisticated and deserving of being celebrated for an entire month! At Magoos Pet we have a myriad of cat and kitten items from toys to beds to travel carriers, snacks, treats and everything in between!

How To Care For A Senior Cat

Did you know that senior cats are amazing? They are! How to care for a senior cat is not much different than how to care for a kitten -- other than your senior cat may sleep more than a kitten! A cat is considered a senior when he is eight years old! It's true.

Why Mutts Are Great

Who loves mutts?! Everyone! Why mutts are great is something we wanted to write about in anticipation of July 31 when National Mutt Day is celebrated. Mutts are so great there is also a celebration of them in December.

Lost Pet Awareness Month

Ask any pet parent who has lost a beloved dog or cat because the pet ran out the door, slipped the collar or wriggled out under a fence in the backyard and they will tell you it is one of the scariest times of their lives. Lost Pet Awareness Month is recognized in July and one of the reasons is that the

How To Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Did you know that July is Dog Hydration Month? Yes, it seems like there are holidays for everything, but this is an important way to raise awareness of the importance of keeping your dog hydrated (no matter the month). When the sun is high as are the temperatures and humidity it is a dangerous time for our dogs and cats. Your pets need access to cool, clean water at all

How To Keep Your Dog Safe During Fireworks

July 5th is one of the busiest days at animal shelters and rescues and the reason is they are dealing with a lot of lost dogs. Many dogs get scared and will run away during fireworks celebrations. Whether your dog is afraid of the sounds of the fireworks or if he is scared of crowds, it's up to you to know your dog's personality and to help him get through a

Are You & Your Pets Prepared For Emergencies?

May 11 is National Pet Preparedness Month. What does this mean for you? As a pet parent you need to be prepared for emergencies for your human family as well as your pet family. If you had to evacuate your home because of a flood or fire or hurricane or other natural disasters, would you be able to find a place to stay that your pets would be welcome? If you have a pet

How To Celebrate National Pet Month

We love that there are holidays and reminders to celebrate our pets and the unconditional love they bring to our lives. That being said, did you know that May is National Pet Month? At Magoo's Pet Outlet we celebrate our indoor pets as well as the birds and other animals that live outdoors -- koi in your pond, turtles that may visit your yard, fish in your aquarium,

Why We Love Leopard Geckos

Leopard geckos are popular first reptile pets for many. If you’re nocturnal, you’re in luck because your leopard gecko is, too. These small reptiles are also awake during the day so don’t fret that you have to change your sleep schedule in order to be entertained by them.

How To Celebrate National Pet Month

We love that May is National Pet Month and we have put together a list of ways in which to celebrate your pets! As pet parents we know that our pets are celebrated members of our lives each and every day, but we aren’t opposed to setting aside an entire month to share our love of them!

Fun Ways To Entertain Your Dog

Coronavirus is still keeping us at home with our dogs. While taking them for multiple walks a day is an ideal way to spend time with them, after a while they will get bored of taking a walk and

What Are The Quietest Indoor Birds

Birds are lovely, soothing to own and sing beautiful songs. There are some birds, though, who may be a bit too vocal. If you want a bird whose songs won’t overtake any conversations in your household, we have put together a list of beautiful and relatively quiet singers.

How To Get A New Routine For Your Dog During Quarantine

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought about a lot of changes around the globe. Pet parents have been dealing with a myriad of changes as well. Changes in routine from going into an office to working from home to just staying home and not working during the COVID-19 Quarantine. If you are among the pet parents who are now staying home -- whether you're working or not --

Tips For Caring For Your Dog's Teeth

February was Pet Dental Health Month. It’s an ideal way to raise awareness of the importance of dental health, but pet parents know caring for pet’s teeth is a year-round task. If you’re not certain how to care for your pet’s teeth, we have advice.

5 Things To Know About Owning A Fish

Watching fish swim around in an aquarium is a peaceful, stress-reducing way to relax and unwind. Fish tanks are also beautiful and unique, especially when you consider how many species of fish are available, the number of accessories you can add, the plants, the various color rocks and tank backgrounds and you will see you can truly make your aquarium as unique as you

What Is The Best Reptile For First-Time Owners?

Reptiles have big personalities! You may not have thought of that, but some reptiles will show their joy at seeing you walk into the room. We have heard from bearded dragon parents that the dragon will run to the top of the log when they walk into the room. There is also a bearded dragon we have seen online that will look as though he is waving when he sees his

Facts about owning fish

Watching fish swim around in an aquarium is a peaceful, stress-reducing way to relax and unwind. Fish tanks are also beautiful and unique, especially when you consider how many species of fish re available, the number of accessories you can add, the plants, the various color rocks

How To Attract Wild Birds To Your Feeder

It is fascinating to watch birds flocking to the feeders you have placed in your yard. This is especially true if you live in areas of the country that get blanketed with snow. Seeing bright flashes of colors and hearing the sounds of birds scrambling to your feeders brightens even the darkest of winter days.

Choosing the right dog brush

For Short Hair Dogs, I would use different brushes depending on the thickness of the coat. For the thin short haired dogs with not much undercoat at all I would use a rubber brush.

Guide To Wild Bird Seed And Food

There are lots of different types of wild bird seed available. So much so, that it can be hard for the well-intentioned bird lover to know exactly what is best to buy and leave out for the birds. In this post, we are going to give a brief guide to wild bird seed and food to hopefully make things a little clearer for you.

What is dog flu

Just like humans, when outside temperatures lower, and bacteria begin circulating throughout the air, dogs are susceptible to numerous types of illnesses. The most common one, which can be likened to the human version of the “common cold,” is referred to as Bordetella Bronchiseptica – or in simpler terms, the “kennel cough.”

How To Entertain A New Kitten

New kittens are fun, snuggly and full of energy! If you're planning to bring a kitten into your home, you will want to be prepared to keep him or her entertained, engaged and well-cared for. How to care for a new kitten is something you can ask your veterinarian or the shelter from which you're adopting the kitten. Many of us have also adopted kittens from

How to care for your rabbit

With twitching noses, soft tails and a spring in their step, rabbits make excellent pets. There’s a lot to know about our small furry friends before committing to 12 years of rabbit ownership (or more!), so ask the question: is a rabbit the right pet for me?

Attract Birds To Your Yard

If you’re anything at all like me, once you start to feed the wild birds you will become addicted and will soon start wanting to attract as many different species as you can. If this is the case, then this article on how to attract birds to your yard should be great for you.

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