Three Ways To Care For Wild Birds - Pet Store, Dog Food, Cat Supplies & More: Burton, Flint, MI: Magoo's Pet Outlet
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Three Ways To Care For Wild Birds

  01/31/2021 at 19:35 pm

In the winter months, especially if you live in a snowy part of the country, seeing a bright flash of color can brighten your day! When you attract birds to your backyard and feed them throughout the winter, seeing a cardinal or chickadee on the feeder or enjoying some suet is a great way to spend time enjoying nature even if you're not right out in the snow and cold! 

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Birds at the feeders in our yards certainly do brighten the day with their songs, colors and antics. While wild birds are certainly capable of caring for themselves there are steps you can take to ensure their safety during the winter months. It doesn't take too much time or effort and the birds will thank you by continuing to visit! 

1. Keep the feeders full. Once you have made the commitment to attract birds to your backyard bird feeder, they will come to expect it. In the cold winter months, food is scarce and your feeders will become their go-to food source. When they eat they rebuild their strength, it keeps them warm and helps them survive and thrive throughout the winter months. 

2. Neighborhood cats may find your bird feeders their own hunting ground. You can  mix water and apple cider vinegar and spray it around the perimeter of the trees and bird feeders. The scent is said to keep cats away. Other people who feed outdoor birds say adding a few drops of eucalyptus, lavender, lemongrass or peppermint oil to water and spraying it around will keep cats away.  Some other wild bird feeders will install motion-activated water sprinklers and aim them at the areas from which cats typically come to scare them away. Place bird feeders high enough off the ground to make it more difficult -- or impossible -- for the cats to reach the birds. Clean up spilled seed to discourage ground feeding birds and keep them safe from outdoor cats. If you have cats that you let outdoors, you may want to keep them inside if you want to feed wild birds. 

3.  Clean the feeders regularly to prevent any mold growth from occurring inside the feeder. 

We have a bonus tip! To protect smaller birds from larger birds of prey, position the feeders in dense tree branches or near shrubs or other brush that the smaller birds can escape to if danger arrives. 

Grab your camera and a cup of coffee and watch the birds enjoying the seed and treats you give them this winter! 

Magoo's Pet is a Discount Pet Supply Store family owned and operated for over 40 years.  Our years of experience in the pet supplies industry empowers us to supply quality pet products to our community at great prices! We offer a full range of assorted products from dog and cat foods, dog and cat supplies, small animals and accessories, reptiles and accessories, to tropical fish supplies and more. Items available online can be purchased with FREE shipping! For saftey reasons, we are not able to ship live animals and a small assortment of perishable/fragile items.

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We are a Discount Pet Supply Store family owned and operated for over 40 years. Our years of experience in the pet supplies industry, empowers us to supply quality pet products to our community at great prices! We offer a full range of assorted products from dog and cat foods, dog and cat supplies, small animals and accessories, reptiles and accessories, to tropical fish supplies and more. Items available online can be purchased with FREE shipping! We do not however ship live animals (for their safety) and an small assortment of perishable/fragile items.

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